is a band that is so obscure, I'm avoiding using names within the text because this page has a high chance of showing up in the top search results for them, and I don't want one of the top results for them to be some, weird Neocities shrine. (They don't even have a Wikipedia page, ffs.) But they're one of my favorite bands so I wanted to make one of these for them because they need more love.

Anyways, they're a metal band from Germany. They don't really fit under any metal subgenre and sort of, do their own thing because they're cool like that. The singer started the band in 2012 with their current drummer, and current bassist who started out as their guitarist. Since then, they have released an EP and two albums. Lately they've just been releasing singles, with no news of another album. I'm hoping that'll change soon!


They've had a few lineup changes throughout the years, mainly guitarists. But 3 out of the 4 current members have been there from the start which is pretty good for a band that's been around 12 years.

Current Members

Past Members


So far in the year of 2024, they've released one EP, two albums, and three singles (more if you count "singles" that are already on albums). Technically four singles, because there's a song that was on their EP, White Wolf, that they did a remake of in 2020. I guess that counts, but I don't feel like adding it to the below picture list because the layout looks even and symmetrical without it. (I'll probably add it in when they release something else.) Everything's listed below in order of oldest to newest. You can hover over the album covers to see the tracklist.




It's hard for me to pick a favorite album. I like more of the songs that are on Storyteller, but most of my favorite songs are on Egomania. So it's a pretty even split. For the sake of picking one, I'll go with Egomania.

My top five favorite songs are "Sally," "Be," "Love," "Sleepless Nights," and "Memories." "Sleepless Nights" is actually the first song I ever heard by them. But "Love" is what really got me into them.

Below is my favorite picture of them!

How the hell did I even discover them?

My initial discovery makes me sound shallow, but I'll be honest anyway.

Every time I go to Youtube to look up a band or a song, I end up going down a rabbithole where I keep clicking "related videos" that look interesting. It was February of 2021, and I was deep in one of those rabbitholes. I stumbled across a music video called "You Belong To Me" by a band that is even less known. It was a duet with a special guest singer named Danny. And I thought the man was beautiful. Exactly my type. So of course, I looked further into him. Found out he had a band, and checked out what they had on Youtube. What was posted on their youtube was good, but they didn't have a Bandcamp so I would've had to buy their music off of Amazon or Apple. I wasn't in the mood to give money to Amazon or Apple, especially since I only really liked a couple of the songs I listened to. The others I just thought were alright, though to be honest, I only listened to a few songs. It was late, and I was too tired to look further into them. But I made a mental note to check them out properly in the future.

In April of 2022, I did just that. I saw they had released a new album, along with several new music videos. And I loved all of them! They still didn't have a Bandcamp, so I had to suck it up and give Amazon money. I bought Egomania first, gave it a few listens. And I loved it so much I bought Storyteller the very next day. I listened to them all the time on my commute. It wasn't until July that I finally started getting tired of the same songs, and wanted something new. So I bought their EP on iTunes music, since i had, like, $6 left on my iTunes store account from an iTunes giftcard I got 10+ years ago. Listened to that a lot until I got tired of it. Stopped listening. And then a year later, I rediscovered how awesome they are and went back to listening to all their stuff for months until I got tired of it again. Stopped and rediscovered them a year later... It's become a neverending cycle. Right now I'm back in the "rediscovering how awesome they are" phase. I'm trying to break the cycle this time by not obsessively listening to them like I usually would in this stage. We'll see how that goes.


I don't know what else to say or post about them, so here's some pictures I've found.

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