My Pokemon
Here's a collection of some pokemon I have stored on Pokemon Home. I have over 4k on there, and hundreds more across various game saves. Obviously, not posting them all! Just the most notable.
My history with Pokemon- I was obsessed with Pokemon in the 90's; watching the show and collecting the cards. But then I lost interest until 2009. I had a DS Lite, and a best friend who played Pokemon. So, I ended up buying Pokemon Diamond. And I loved it! I never intended to work on catching them all. But I got bored summer of 2010 and tried catching every pokemon possible in Diamond. I soon met my boyfriend, who eventually gifted me Pokemon Heartgold at one point. I loved it just as much. I tried catching everything in that game too. Then he gifted me Pokemon Black for Christmas one year. Shortly after, I finally got wireless internet, and I could finally use the GTS to trade! But back in those days, you could only trade pokemon you have already "seen" in your pokedex. However, Pokemon Black introduced this feature called "GTS Negotiations." There I would get paired up with someone to trade pokemon with. You'd show them the pokemon you want to trade. They'd show you a pokemon they'd want to trade for it. But there was no voice chat. You could only communicate by tapping hearts, smiley faces, and frowny faces. It was still incredibly difficult getting every pokemon, and you were unable to trade event legendaries, but by golly, I finally had a chance to actually have them all! And, after several hundred hours in each game, I did! (Except for event legendaries.) And as of now? I have every single one of them! (Or at least all the way up to pecharunt. This fact is subject to change when they inevitably make new pokemon.)

This was my first ever pokemon. It was my starter in Pokemon Diamond. I named it Penguino and it is a Sinnoh Champion!

This luxray was one of the first pokemon I caught. It was a shinx at the time, and is also a Sinnoh Champion.

My first ever legendary was this dialga. I caught it in a masterball because I was unaware of the existence of roaming pokemon. Had I known about mesprit and cresselia, I would have saved that ball for them! It's also a Sinnoh Champion.

This crobat was originally a golbat. It's Sinnoh Champion because I got stuck somewhere and the golbat helped and ended up being a pretty good pokemon so I kept him with me until the end. Later became an even bigger help by being able to learn mean look so I could catch the damn roaming pokemon!

This is my first ever bidoof. One of the first pokemon I ever caught. I named it Fuzz because it's fuzzy.

This was a chingling when I caught it in Diamond. I'd never seen a chingling before, and as soon as I saw it, I went, "What the bloody fuck?!" So naturally, I named it WTBF?! I evolved it to a chimecho when I was working on catching them all.

This was a buizel I named Ronny after Ronny Jhutti who I was crushing on at the time. I don't know why he's not a Sinnoh champion. I'm guessing I temporarily replaced him with something else. Maybe Vlad?

This is my first ever mightyena, named after the keyboarder of Nightwish who I was crushing on at the time. I stumbled upon it using the Pokeradar in Diamond, and I'd never seen one before. I loved it. What was cool was, it kept using sand attack on me, and the animation looked like it was shitting sand! I'm surprised I hadn't named it something like "sand shitter."

This is my first ever manectric. I named it Chai after the guitarist of Jesus on Extasy, who I was also crushing on at the time. I very much enjoy naming pokemon after crushes.

This is my first ever absol. I named it Jyrki after the singer of The 69 Eyes. I don't remember why because I never had any feelings towards him. My only guess is I was listening to the 69 Eyes when I caught it. And/or he just looks like a Jyrki.

My best friend at the time traded me this meditite she named Pointyhead. We both found the name humorous.

My best friend at the time also traded me a sneasel she named Butfeather because Buttfeather didn't fit. Inside joke. I ended up evolving it when working on catching them all.

Possibly my first ever stantler. I named it BAMF ELK because that's what they are.

This stuntank was my first stunky. I named it Rawr because it felt fitting in that time period.

This arcanine is named after my boyfriend, and a Johto champion!

This feraligatr was my starter in Heartgold. So, my second ever starter. It's a Johto champion too.

This serperior was my starter in my first playthrough of Pokemon Black. It's a Unova champ.

I caught this liepard (purrloin at the time) in my first playthrough of Pokemon Black. I named it Kitty because it's a kitty. I think it's a Unova champ but I can't be sure because no ribbons in Unova.

This was my starter in Omega Ruby. I named it Paul after my boyfriend who hates mudkips. It went on to be a Hoenn champion, despite never being evolved. I wanted to keep it as a mudkip!

This swellow is also a Hoenn champion. I named it Birdy.

Mightyena I named Gilfoyle after Gilfoyle from Silicon Valley who I was crushing on at the time. It's a Hoenn champion.

This latios is only on here because it, too, is a Hoenn champion. Gotta showcase all my champions, after all!

This breloom was a shroomish when I caught it. I named it Shrooms. It has a ribbon saying it's a Hoenn champion, which is wild because I don't recall ever using a breloom in my life, much less using one all the way past the Elite 4. So I'm a little confused on this guy.

Hoenn champion absol I named Abby. I stored it on Brilliant Diamond at one point, which is why it has BDSP logos on it instead of a Bank logo.

This linoone is not only a Hoenn champion, but was also a good HM slave! It's actually from my second playthrough of Omega Ruby, separate from the six aforementioned Hoenn champs.

This is my first shiny ever! I got it in a GTS trade on Heartgold, originally a squirtle. I don't even remember what for. I just had something on GTS asking for a squirtle and ended up getting a shiny squirtle. It came with pokerus too which I spread to my other pokemon.

This is the first shiny I ever caught! And it was on the same day I recieved the shiny squirtle in a trade! I was leveling it up to evolve, and stumbled upon this! Full odds on Heartgold. It was the one time I didn't have a false swiper on my team so catching it was very stressful, as my team was full of 60+ level pokemon. Thankfully my feraligatr I had on my team knew cut so I was able to bring its HP down somewhat without killing it.

This is a shiny ninetails I got in Pokemon Black via the GTS Negotiations. It was traded to me as a vulpix, I think for a shiny drifloon I got in an earlier Negotiations trade? Regardless, I was thrilled, as Ninetails is one of my favorite pokemon.

I named this cloyster Vajayjay for the lolz. I caught it in either Diamond or Heartgold. When I transferred it onto Pokemon Bank I was shocked to see the name make it pass the censors.

This is a shiny luvdisc I caught in Pokemon X. I named it Piss because it's yellow and I wanted to see if piss would make it past the censors.

I caught this goldeen in Heartgold. I named it Horny Bitch, and threw it in the daycare center. Went to get it back, and the daycare lady said, "If you want your Horny Bitch back, it'll cost $500." Got a good laugh. Name got scrubbed when I put it on Bank. But I put it aside where I would never forget that it was the original Horny Bitch (I have other goldeens with variations of that name.) Years later, I discover you can rename transferred pokemon in Sword. So I renamed it OG Horny B.

I got this Purugly named Marihuana in a trade. I think it was on Pokemon Black.

I got this probopass named Mama Luigi in a trade. I forget what game.

A relicanth I named Reli-can't!

Shiny relicanth I caught in Pokemon X.

This was my starter in Pokemon X. I named her Foxy Lady because I knew that's what she'd evolve into. She's a Kalos champion!

This gogoat I named Goatsy is also a Kalos champion.

This pidgeot named Pudge Bum is, too, a Kalos champion. It was a pidgey when I caught it.

Kalos champion Xerneas.

I did a few Nuzlocke runs in Pokemon Y. During one of them, I came across a flabebe that I named AdamColeBebe. (Wrestling fans will understand.) It evolved into this floette.

During a Nuzlocke run in Y, I wonder traded a KO'd pokemon and got a skiddo named Skittles. It went on to become a champion. Never died!

I stumbled upon this shiny sandile in Pokemon Sun. I remember it being during my lunch break at work.

Alolan ninetails that is an Alolan champion.

I caught this absol for the purpose of being my false swiper to easily catch other pokemon. I named it H.Caufield after Holden Caufield because he's the CATCHER in the rye. Harr harr. It's an alolan champion.

Alolan champion Solgaleo.

I named this lycanroc Tomoko after the character from Watamote, because it kinda looks like her. It's an Alolan champion.

I caught this shiny lycanroc in Pokemon Sun using the chaining method.

I got this golisopod in a GTS trade on Pokemon Sun. The OT lovingly named it faaaartssszs.

I named this abra A bra because I thought it was funny in that moment.

I caught a skitty and named it Tiddy. It knows flash.

Roserade named Bud Light that I got in a GTS trade.

I was on Omega Ruby recently, wonder trading shit to see how wonder trade was doing. Threw out this slowpoke. A few trades later, he came back to me. I've felt obligated to keep it ever since. We were meant to be.

This obstagoon is named after Eddie Munson from Stranger Things. In loving memory.

I named this braviary after Deputy Hawk from Twin Peaks because it's a hawk and I had a crush on him in seasons 1 and 2. But not season 3 because he's way too old in it for my tastes.

I got this french braixen named Mulder in a trade. I actually thought the french name for braixen was Mulder until I got another french braixen with its actual name. Approximately 10 years later, shortly after I started watching X Files, I came across this guy in my boxes and finally understood the reference. (A main character is named Fox Mulder.)

I named this wooper Burger King because wooper is close to whopper which is the name of a popular burger sold only at Burger King.

I named this Miltank McDonald's after McDonald's. Tasty.

Jigglypuff I named Puff Daddy. Because, JigglyPUFF.

Wobbuffet I named Jimmy Buffet. Because, WobBUFFET.

I got this magmortar in a GTS trade. It might have even been GTS Negotiations on Black but I can't remember. Regardless, this guy helped me hatch so many eggs when I was working on getting every pokemon and I'll always appreciate him for it.

I named this spinda Drunk Hunk because he moves around like he's drunk. And drunk rhymes with hunk.

Female Mr. Mime I named Mrs. Mime.

I named this seviper Monty Python because, python.

I named this Raikou after Dean Ambrose who was part of the Shield also known as The Hounds of Justice. So, naturally, I named the legendary "dog" trio after them all.

I named this Entei after Roman Reigns who was part of the Shield also known as The Hounds of Justice. So, naturally, I named the legendary "dog" trio after them all.

I named this Suicine after Seth Rollins who was part of the Shield also known as The Hounds of Justice. So, naturally, I named the legendary "dog" trio after them all.

I got this German espeon in a GTS trade. It's name translates to ice magic. I assume the OT was expecting their eevee to evolve into a glaceon but got an espeon instead and just wanted to get rid of it. I find this amusing.

My boyfriend traded me this solosis in exchange for something. Love the name.

A combee named Jeff Beezos as a pun of Jeff Bezos. At one point, I was stealth-catching a shit ton of combees in Arceus, nicknaming them this, and wonder trading them on Home. So, if you ever got a combee named Jeff Beezos with OT Megan in a wonder trade, it's probably mine!

This beldum was being an absolute bitch to catch in the DLC of Pokemon Scarlet. It refused to stay in a ball like it was a god damn legendary. When I finally caught it, I named it Metal Turd because that's what it was being and also what it looks like.

For years, Jirachi has evaded me. I saw commercials for getting special event Jirachi years before I decided to catch them all, considered going to get one. But never did, because I never expected I'd ever have a chance of catching them all so it wasn't a big deal to me. Years later, caught all the pokemon except most event legendaries. When a Jirachi event came around again, I missed the memo on it. For years, it was one of the last pokemon I needed to complete the dex. But finally, FINALLY, I got this one handed to me in Brilliant Diamond. Then, I just needed zarude!

This here, was the last pokemon I needed to complete the pokedex. I had missed the first event he appeared in, and waited eagerly for news of another. Finally, there was an event to catch zarude in Pokemon Go. I had to do a bunch of bullshit tasks in the game to encounter him, but I did them all and finally caught him on my 35th birthday. Happy birthday to me!
That's all for now! But someday, I will add some caught in recent years on a separate page linked down here. For I have enough listed on this page!